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Who’s Liable in a New Mexico Truck Accident?

There are many moving parts in a truck accident claim, and finding who’s liable can be tricky. However, through proper analysis of the evidence in your case, you might find multiple parties to be negligent.  Liable Parties in Truck Accidents…

What to Do After a Hit-and-Run in New Mexico

The law requires everyone involved in a car accident to remain at the scene and determine if anyone needs medical attention. However, at-fault drivers could disregard this requirement for several reasons. They might have a warrant for their arrest, are…

7 Items to Have for a Car Accident Emergency Kit in New Mexico

Although you may spend much of your time in your vehicle, whether driving to and from work, dropping your kids off at extracurricular activities, or traveling for vacations, you might be surprised to find your car is ill-equipped to handle…

How is Pain & Suffering Calculated in New Mexico?

When you’re in a car accident or experience another type of accident, your damages go beyond medical bills and lost wages. You also may experience physical pain and mental suffering. Pain and suffering is often a large part of personal…

Who is at Fault in a New Mexico Car Accident?

The majority of car accidents are caused by human error, according to The Center for Internet and Society. It’s essential to figure out who is at fault for a car accident in order to assign legal and financial liability for…

What to Do after a Car Accident in New Mexico

A car accident on its own is scary, and it’s only the beginning of an entire ordeal. You’ll also need to figure out how to repair your car, handle insurance, and get to the places you usually go. Luckily, you…

Car Accident Statistics in New Mexico

Across the state of New Mexico, car accidents happen every day. According to the University of New Mexico, motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of injury and death for residents in New Mexico aged one to 24 years…

What is the New Mexico Tort Claims Act?

After you have suffered debilitating injuries in an accident caused by someone else, you have the right to seek compensation for your suffering. But when the at-fault party is a government employee or agency, you may find that obtaining the…